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SUNSET - 9:30 PM

(weather permitting)


Located at 2757 E Guadalupe Road in the Gilbert Riparian Preserve next to the Gilbert Library at Greenfield and Guadalupe.

Cost: Free 

Donations welcome. Suggested donation $5/family or $3/adult.

Public Hours

*weather permitting

Friday and Saturday Evening  

Sunset - 9:30 PM


public star party

Every 2nd Friday: Sunset - 9:30 PM

Additional telescopes supplied by members of the East Valley Astronomy Club are available for free public viewing, plus an astronomy related talk in the adjoining public library at 7:30 PM.

private viewing

Available by reservation Sunday - Thursday, maximum 6 people.

Minimum of $40 donation. Organized youth groups working on astronomy awards may be eligible for fee waiver.


Special events

From time to time the observatory is open for special events and solar viewing.

Find out more about special events on the calendar.


Observatory Etiquitte

We ask that viewers do not physically touch the telescope or eyepiece (it is tempting for viewers of all ages) because the telescope is always moving by computer control, and touching will cause the image to shake.


Please refrain from using flashlights or looking at your cellphones during your visit to the observatory. The best viewing is obtained when your eyes are “dark adapted”. We use red lights to assist your night vision, and looking at bright lights will instantly cause your eyes to react and lose the ability to more easily see fainter objects.


Flash photography is not allowed.


The observatory staff will choose objects that are available for viewing that evening. We will try to see several objects during an evening, but that is dependent on the number of people waiting in line.


Please feel free to stay and watch our educational videos on the patio as you wait.

Ask our volunteers any astronomy related question that is on your mind, but please be respectful of other guests who are waiting to view.


Clear Sky Chart

Evening Planets

(after sunset)


  • Mercury

  • Venus

  • Mars

  • Jupiter

  • Saturn

  • Uranus

  • Neptune

Morning Planets

(before sunrise)


  • None


None prominent this month


Alpha Centaurids

Phases of the Moon​

February 27

5:44 PM

First Quarter Moon
February 5

1:02 AM

February 12

6:53 AM

Last Quarter Moon
February 20

10:32 AM

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